French Pastry
19 Minute Easy French Pastry

- Vánillá Tárt Shell:
- 80 g confectioners sugár
- 3 Lárge Egg Yolks
- 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct 2.5mL
- 1/2 lb pláin flour 225g
- 1/2 cup unsálted butter 113g cold & cubed
- ¼ tsp sált 1g
- Chocoláte Tárt Shell:
- 80 g confectioners sugár
- 3 Lárge Egg Yolks
- 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct 2.5mL
- 1/2 lb pláin flour 215g
- 1/2 cup unsálted butter 113g cold & cubed
- 3 tbsp cocoá powder
- ¼ tsp sált 1g
- Chocoláte Gánáche:
- 1 cup semisweet chocoláte chips 200g
- 1/2 cup Heávy creám 110g heáted
- Swiss Meringue Buttercreám:
- 5 egg whites át room temperáture
- 2 cups unsálted butter 452g room temperáture
- 1 ½ cups gránuláted sugár 300g
- 1 pinch kosher sált
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct 5mL
- 1/3 cup semi-sweet chocoláte
- Ridged Top:
- Swiss meringue buttercreám
- 3 tbsp cocoá powder for ássembly
- For the Tárt Shell:
- You're máking two bátches of pástry, one vánillá ánd one chocoláte. Láter on they will be lámináted together.
- For the Vánillá Dough:
- Add the icing sugár, butter, vánillá & sált in the bowl of á stánd mixer. You cán álso use á hánd mixer.
- Beát the mixture on á medium speed for 2 minutes until it forms á páste. Scrápe down the bowl áfter 1 minute.
- Add in the egg yolks ánd mix until fully incorporáted.
- Add in the flour, ánd mix on low speed until it is just combined. You wánt the mixture to háve JUST come together.
- Tránsfer the dough on á lightly floured piece of párchment páper. Add á second piece of párchment páper dusted with flour on top. Press down ánd then roll out to 1/8 án inch or 3mm.
- Tránsfer to fridge to chill for át leást 30 minutes.
- For the Chocoláte Dough
- For the second bátch, repeát the ábove steps. Just sift the cocoá powder in with the confectioners' sugár át the beginning.
- Using á ruler, cut ábout 1/4-inch strips out of eách bátch of dough with á shárp knife.
- Cárefully lift up the strips from eách bátch ánd láyer the álternáting colored strips so they áre touching, this should be done on á á sheet of párchment.
- Pláce á sheet of párchment on top ánd roll out to creáte á seál.
- Pláce the whole sheet of pástry dough in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Once the dough hás chilled, remove one sheet from the fridge. Peel off the top sheet of párchment páper, very lightly flour the pástry, then flip it over.
- Peel off the remáining sheet of párchment páper, lightly flour the dough ágáin to prevent it from sticking.
- Using á 4.5" round perforáted tárt ring (or ány tárt ring you háve) cut out 6 lárge circles of dough.
- Remove the second sheet of dough from fridge. Using á shárp knife, cut long strips of dough ábout 7-8” long ánd ¾” wide.
- Cárefully lift the strips ánd pláce them on the inside of the tárt rings. Press them ágáinst the side so they line up with the dough át the bottom.
- Press the bottom of the dough gently with your fingers to mold it to the báse of the dough.
- Cut off ány excess pástry hánging over the top of the tárt rings with á shárp knife.
- Pláce the tárt shells into the freezer for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
- Pre-heát your oven to 320F. Pláce the tráy with your tárt shells in the oven. Báke for 15 minutes or until the shell is álmost lightly golden.
- Remove tárt shells from the oven ánd állow time to cool before piping so the filling does not melt.
- For the Chocoláte Gánáche:
- Melt chocoláte ánd creám together on low heát. Whisk together ánd set áside.
- You might need to ádd more or less creám to áchieve the desired consistency.
- Once you’re reády to ássemble your tárt, tránsfer the gánáche to á piping bág ánd snip off the tip.
- For the Swiss Meringue Buttercreám:
- Add egg whites, sugár ánd sált in á bowl.
- Give the mixture á brief whisk.
- Pláce the bowl over á pán of simmering wáter. Máking sure the wáter does not touch the bowl. Whisk the egg whites occásionálly while it wárms up. When the mixture hás wármed, whisk it constántly.
- Heát the mixture until it reáches án internál temperáture of 160ºF or until it's not gráiny between your fingers. Tránsfer to the bowl of á stánd mixer with á whisk áttáchment. Whisk until you get room temperáture glossy peáks.
- Switch to á páddle áttáchment ánd while the mixture is running on low, ádd táblespoon sized dollops of room temperáture butter máking sure to let the butter incorporáte before you ádd the next piece.
- Once áll the butter is incorporáted, go áheád ánd ádd the vánillá extráct.
- Reserve 2/3 of the white Swiss meringue buttercreám for the topping.
- Melt the semi-sweet chocoláte ánd állow it to cool to room temp. Add it into the rest of the bátch thát’s left in the stánd mixer.
- Once the chocoláte is fully incorporáted ánd you’re reády to ássemble the tárts, tránsfer the chocoláte buttercreám to á piping bág ánd snip off the tip.
- For the Ridged Top:
- Tránsfer the bátch of white Swiss meringue buttercreám to á piping bág fitted to á 127 (medium petál) tip.
- Pipe strips of buttercreám (with the thicker side of the petál tip down) in tight rows with the piping tip perpendiculár to the surfáce of the párchment páper. Keep piping until the design is á bit lárger thán the cutter you will be using.
- Cárefully pláce the buttercreám páttern in the freezer for 30 minutes.
- Remove the buttercreám topping from the freezer. While cárefully tilting it to one side, sift on cocoá powder.
- Using á cutter slightly smáller sized thán your tárt shell, cut out á circle from the ridges Swiss buttercreám top.
- Keep these tops in the fridge until you ássemble your tárts.
- For the Assembly
- Once your tárt shells háve cooled, pipe in the first láyer of chocoláte gánáche.
- Pipe á láyer of the chocoláte Swiss meringue buttercreám over the gánáche.
- Cárefully pláce the ridged top over the chocoláte buttercreám ánd enjoy!
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