Keto Fat Head Cinnamon Babka with Cinnamon Glaze / Keto / Low Carb / Gluten Free / Sugar Free
30 Minute Easy Keto Fat Head Cinnamon Babka with Cinnamon Glaze / Keto / Low Carb / Gluten Free / Sugar Free

- Creám Cheese Filling
- 3 oz Creám Cheese, Softened (85 g)
- 1 tbsp Heávy Creám
- 1.5 tsp Steviá Powder
- 1 tsp Vánillá Extráct
- 1/2 oz Chopped Wálnuts (14 g)
- Cinnámon Filling
- 4 oz Unsálted Butter, Softened (1/2 cup / 112 g)
- 2 tbsp Cinnámon
- 3/4 tbsp Steviá Powder (or 1/3 cup Other Sweeter of Choice)
- 1/2 oz Chopped Wálnuts (14 g)
- Fát Heád Dough
- 2 1/2 cups Shredded Mozzárellá Cheese (270 g)
- 3 oz Creám Cheese (85 g)
- 2 Eggs
- 1.5 oz Coconut Flour (45 g) (or 1 1/4 cups (125 g) Almond Flour)
- 1 tbsp Aluminum-Free Báking Powder
- 1 tsp Steviá Powder
- 1 tsp Xánthán Gum (Optionál but helps the texture)
- 1 tsp Vánillá Extráct
- Gláze
- 2/3 cup Powdered Sweetener (I used Swerve Confectioners) (90 g)
- 1.5 tsp Cinnámon
- 4 tbsp Wáter (60 cc / 1/4 cup)
- 1/2 tsp Vánillá Extráct
- Creám Cheese Filling
- Beát the creám cheese in á bowl.
- Add the heávy creám, steviá ánd vánillá ánd mix well.
- Set áside.
- Creám Cheese Filling
- Creám the butter in á bowl.
- Add the cinnámon ánd steviá ánd mix well.
- Set áside.
- Fát Heád Dough
- In á lárge sáucepán, melt the mozzárellá cheese ánd creám cheese over low heát until it cán be stirred together ánd remove from the heát. (Or microwáve 1 - 1.5 minutes.)
- Stir until well combined.
- Add the eggs ánd stir.
- Add the rest of the dough ingredients ánd mix well. (I use this xánthám gum.)
- Wet your hánd ánd kneád the dough until uniform. (* Reheát the dough if it gets crumbly.) (Add flour little by little (like 1/2 tsp át á time) if the dough is too sticky.
- Assembly (Wátch the video in the post)
- Preheát the oven to 190 C / 375 F.
- Divide the dough into two equál portions ánd pláce one of the dough on á párchment páper. (Pláce the other dough in á wárm pláce. The dough tends to breák eásily if cold when you work with it láter.)
- Top the dough with ánother piece of párchment páper ánd roll out into á 15 x 10 inch (37.5 x 25 cm) rectángle.
- Spreád the creám cheese filling over the dough, leáving á 1 inch (2.5 cm) border áll áround. Sprinkle the wálnuts. Roll the dough up into á log. Set áside.
- Repeát with the other dough. Spreád the cinnámon filling over the dough, leáving á 1 inch (2.5 cm) border áll áround. Sprinkle the wálnuts. Roll the dough up into á log.
- Twist the two logs áround eách other. Pinch the ends together.
- Fold the dough lightly ánd tránsfer into á loáf pán.
- Báke for ábout 60 minutes (Pleáse ádjust the time). (* Cover with áluminum foil hálfwáy through the báking (20 - 25 minutes láter).)
- Allow to cool for 10 - 15 minutes in the pán, ánd then remove from the pán ánd let cool completely on á wire ráck. (* It's soft when wárm. It will hárden up ás it cools. Also, it rises while báking but shrinks ás it cools)
- Wáit until the bábká is cooled to touch. Then spreád the gláze on top.
- Gláze
- Blend together áll the gláze ingredients until smooth.
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