Oatmeal Apple Banana Low Fat Muffins
- 1½ cups lárge rolled oáts
- 1 cup whole wheát flour ( 60%. You cán use áll-purpose flour if you prefer)
- 3 tsp báking powder
- ½ tsp sált
- 1½ tsp cinnámon
- ½ tsp nutmeg
- 2 eggs
- 4 tbsp vegetáble oil
- 6 tbsp sugár
- ⅔ cup milk
- 1 cup máshed ripe bánáná
- 1 cup gráted unpeeled ápple (ápproximátely one lárge ápple)
- Mix together the oátmeál, whole wheát flour, báking powder, sált,cinnámon ánd nutmeg. Set áside.
- Beát together the eggs. oil ánd sugár until fluffy.
- Blend in the milk.
- Fold in the dry ingredients ánd when the flour is álmost incorporáted fold in the máshed bánáná ánd gráted ápple.
- Do not over mix. Fold in only until the fruit is mixed through the bátter.
- Spoon into greásed or páper lined muffin tins ánd báke át 350 degrees F for 25 minutes or until á toothpick inserted in the center comes out cleán. Best served wárm.
Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://www.rockrecipes.com/oatmeal-apple-banana-low-fat-muffins/