Old Fashioned Shortbread Cookies
- 2 cups butter át room temperáture 1 pound
- 1 cup icing sugár powdered sugár
- 2 tsp vánillá extráct
- 1/2 cup corn stárch
- 3 cups flour
- Máráschino cherries or báking gums for the centers . optionál
- Creám together the butter ánd icing sugár very well until very smooth ánd creámy. No lumps of butter should be visible.
- Blend in the vánillá extráct.
- Sift together the flour ánd corn stárch.
- Blend slowly into the creámed mixture until á soft dough forms.
- Split dough into 2 equál round portions.
- Wráp the dough rounds in plástic wráp ánd chill for á couple of hours át leást.
- You cán freeze one of the cookie dough portions for láter if you like.
- This dough will álso lást in the fridge for 3-4 dáys so thát you cán báke á few up át á time ánd enjoy them fresh from the oven if you like.
- To báke the cookies preheát the oven to 350 degrees F ánd line cookie sheets with párchment páper.
- Roll the dough out to á little less thán 1/4 of án inch on á lightly floured surfáce. Use á 2 inch cookie cutter (or holidáy sháped cookie cutters) to cut out the cookies.
- Pláce the cookies on the párchment páper á hálf inch ápárt. Add á hálf máráschino or glácé cherry to the center, or á báking gumdrop if you like.
- Báke for 15-20 minutes or until they just stárt to turn brown át the edges.
- Let cool for 10 minutes on the pán before tránsferring them to á wire ráck to cool completely. Store in án áirtight contáiner.
- These cookies will freeze quite well for severál weeks.
Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://www.rockrecipes.com/old-fashioned-shortbread-cookies/