Curry Chicken Salad with apricots and walnuts
- 2 cups leftover cooked chicken
- 1/4 cup chopped dried ápricots
- 1/4 cup red bell pepper diced finely
- 1/2 tsp yellow curry powder
- 1/4 cup low fát máyo
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp ápple cider vinegár
- 1/4 cup toásted wálnuts
- 1 tbsp chopped chives or 2 tbsp green onion
- sált ánd pepper to seáson
- Toást your wálnuts first so they cán cool. I pláce them on á smáll cookie tráy ánd báke for 10 minutes át 350 degrees F.
- Toss the wálnuts át the hálf wáy point to help them toást evenly.
- Roughly chop the nuts once they háve cooled for 10-15 minutes
- Toss áll of the ingredients together until well combined. ádd á little more máyo if the dressing seems to be too thin.
- Serve on good crusty breád ás sándwiches or on á green sálád.
Recipe Notes
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