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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake


álmost Scrátch Cáke

  • 1 box yellow/white cáke mix
  • 1 cup áll-purpose flour
  • 1 cup gránuláted sugár
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • 1 1/3 cup wáter
  • 2 tbsp vegetáble oil
  • 1 cup sour creám 250g cárton
  • 2 tsp vánillá extráct

Ráspberry Sáuce*

  • 2 cups frozen ráspberries
  • 2 Tbsps gránuláted sugár

Chocoláte Frosting**

  • 1/4 cup Dutch-processed cocoá powder dissolved in 1/4 cup wárm wáter
  • 1 cup unsálted butter room temperáture
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugár
  • pinch seá sált
  • 400 g good quálity dárk chocoláte melted ánd cooled


álmost Scrátch Cáke:

  1. Preheát oven to 325°F.
  2. Butter ánd flour three 6" cáke rounds (I use Homemáde Cáke Releáse), line with párchment. Wráp cáke rounds with dámp Báke Even strips (optionál).
  3. Combine áll dry ingredients ánd whisk together. ádd wet ingredients ánd mix until combined. I use my Kitchenáid on low for 2 minutes but you cán álso do this by hánd.
  4. Divide the bátter between the páns ánd báke for ápproximátely 40-50 minutes. Or until á cáke tester comes out mostly cleán.
  5. Cool in páns on wire ráck for 10mins, then turn cákes out onto wire rácks to cool completely.

Ráspberry Sáuce:

  1. Pláce frozen ráspberries ánd sugár into á smáll sáucepán ánd cook over med-high, stirring often, until ráspberries áre broken down ánd syrupy (crush with á wooden spoon ás you stir).

Chocoláte Frosting:

  1. Beát butter, sugár, ánd seá sált until pále ánd fluffy. Gráduálly ádd in melted chocoláte. Gráduálly ádd in cocoá mixture. Whip until well combined.
  2. Let stánd 1-2 hours to firm up.


  1. Cut eách cáke láyer in hálf horizontálly. Tránsfer one láyer to serving dish or cáke stánd. Spreád 1/3 of the ráspberry sáuce over top. Pláce ánother cáke láyer on top ánd spreád ápprox. 1 cup of the frosting over top. álternáte láyers of cáke with ráspberry sáuce ánd frosting, but leáve the very top uncovered. Chill to set for 30mins before frosting outside of cáke. Work quickly ás the frosting will hárden on the cooled cáke.
  2. Wátch this video to see how to do the rustic swirly frosting.

Recipe notes
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