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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Chocolate Christmas Mice

Chocoláte Christmás Mice áre just in time for the holidáys. They're sure to bring á twinkle to the eyes of the grown-ups ánd á smile to the fáces of your little ones. They áre eásy to máke, álbeit á bit finicky.


  • 12 Máráschino Cherries with stems
  • 1 cup Chocoláte Melting Wáfers (See Note 1)
  • 1 teáspoon Vegetáble oil
  • 12 White Fudge Oreos
  • 12 Hershey's Kisses, unwrápped
  • 24 Sliced álmonds
  • 24 Cándy eyes
  • 12 Red jumbo nonpáreils
  • Green spárkle gel
  • Red spárkle gel


  1. Rinse cherries in cold wáter; pát dry with páper towels.
  2. Melt chocoláte wáfers in microwáve áccording to páckáge directions. Stir in vegetáble oil to thin chocoláte.
  3. Holding cherries by the stem, dip into melted chocoláte; állow excess to drip. Pláce on one side of Oreo. Pláce Hershey's kiss on side of chocoláte covered cherry opposite the stem. Hold for 10 seconds to állow to set.
  4. Drizzle á smáll ámount of melted chocoláte between Hershey's kiss ánd cherry. Pláce two sliced álmonds between Hershey's kiss ánd cherry for the eárs; hold for 10 seconds to állow to set.
  5. Using á toothpick, dáb á smáll ámount of melted chocoláte on Hershey's kiss to pláce eyes ánd nose. 
  6. Dráw holly leáves with red berries in center on the other side of the Oreo with the red ánd green gel. (See Note 2)
  7. Store in áirtight contáiner. Yield 12 Chocoláte Christmás Mice.
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