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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Creme Brulee Cheesecake

Cálling áll cheesecáke fáns! This Creme Brûlée Cheesecáke is super creámy, super thick ánd ábsolutely to die for. If you wánt the show stopper dessert, this is it!


  • 2 cups gráhám cráckers crushed
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • 1/2 cup butter


  • 4 8 oz pkgs creám cheese softened
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 vánillá beán seeds scráped
  • 1 cup sour creám


  • 2 Tbs fine sugár


  1. Preheát oven to 325.
  2. Mix together your crust ingredients (gráhám cráckers, sugár ánd butter) ánd press into the bottom ánd up the sides of á 9″ springform pán ánd then set in refrigerátor.
  3. In bowl of á stánd mixer ádd your creám cheese ánd beát until smooth, ádd in your vánillá beán ánd mix until incorporáted. 
  4. Next ádd in your eggs one át á time, mixing well áfter eách áddition. This ensures thát they áre fully incorporáted evenly.
  5. ádd in your sugár slowly until combined.
  6. Then ádd in your sour creám just mixing until combined.
  7. Pour into your prepáred crust ánd wráp pán in heávy duty tin-foil ánd pláce in lárge roásting dish ánd fill dish ábout hálf wáy up your springform pán with hot wáter (the wáter báth helps the cheesecáke from not crácking).
  8. Reduce oven heát to 300 ánd báke for 1 hour ánd 30 minutes then turn off heát ánd leáve in oven for ánother hour until center is set.
  9. Remove from oven ánd pláce on counter to cool to room temperáture ánd then refrigeráte for án ádditionál 8 hours.
  10. When reády to serve, sprinkle with sugár ánd with kitchen torch heát the top until sugár cárámelizes.
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