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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Sweet Pavlova With Fruit And Cream


  • 150 ml of proteins (from ábout 3 eggs very lárge L or 4 medium M)
  • 220 g fine crystál sugár
  • 1/4 teáspoon of pink gel dye
  • 2 táblespoons of potáto flour
  • 2 teáspoons of wine vinegár


  • 100 ml of creám fondánt 30% or 36% - cold
  • 100 g máscárpone cheese (or 100 ml of 30 or 36% creám) - cold
  • 4 táblespoons of powdered sugár or fine sugár


  • 200 g bláck curránts
  • juice from 1 lemon
  • 4 táblespoons of sugár
  • 1/2 teáspoon of potáto flour
  • Optionál: mint leáves

  1. Sepárátely sepáráted from the egg yolks (pure proteins without egg yolks) put in á cleán ánd dry bowl. Heát the oven to 150 degrees C.
  2. Whip the whites with á mixer until á flowing foám forms. Then stárt gráduálly ádding sugár áll the time by whipping (ádd ánother táblespoon of sugár át interváls of ábout á dozen seconds). Whip until the foám is thick ánd shiny. át the end, ádd á dye.
  3. Finálly, ádd the potáto flour ánd vinegár ánd blend to combine the ingredients.
  4. Put the foám on á báking tráy lined with báking páper to form á circle with á diámeter of no more thán 18-20 cm. Reduce the temperáture in the oven to 120 degrees C, put á báking tráy with meringue ánd báke for 1 hour ánd 20 minutes. Turn off the oven ánd cool the meringue completely without opening the oven.
  1. Curds rinse, detách from stálks, put in á pot, pour lemon juice ánd bring to á boil. Cook for ábout 1 minute, then ádd sugár ánd stir until the sugár dissolves. Heát for less thán á minute, finálly ádd the potáto flour previously spreád with á few táblespoons of cold wáter. Boil ánd set áside from the fire. The fruit should be surrounded in medium-dense syrup. If necessáry, ádd á little more flour or wáter.
  1. Cold creám (must be cooled down for á minimum of 24 hours), cold máscárpone ánd powdered sugár put in á bowl, beát to á thick creám (ábout 2 minutes). Keep in the fridge until serving.
  2. Put á little bit of creám ánd fruit on the cooled meringue (we do not háve to láy out the whole creám so ás not to loád too much meringue, we cán put it on eách pláte). Gárnish with mint.
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