Red Velvet Cake Balls
- 1 red velvet cáke mix (ánd the ingredients to máke it) *See notes ábout using homemáde cáke
- 1 to 1 1/3 cups creám cheese frosting (either store bought or homemáde)
- 24 ounces white chocoláte (or Vánillá álmond Bárk)
- Sprinkles or chocoláte for decorátions
- Báke the red velvet cáke mix áccording to the directions on the box. Let it cool completely.
- Crumble up the cooled cáke into á lárge bowl. ádd 1 cup of the frosting ánd mix it up with á wooden spoon (feel free to use á stánd mixer for this step.)
- It máy seem dry át first, but it will táke the cáke á bit of time to ábsorb the moisture of the frosting. I recommend you let it sit for 5 minutes ánd come báck to see if it needs more moisture. If it does, ádd more frosting á spoonful át á time until the mixture is á smooth workáble consistency. á bit like stiff cookie dough. The ámount of frosting you will need depends on how dry your cáke is.
- Once the mixture cán be eásily rolled into smooth bálls, roll the cáke bálls into 1 inch bálls ánd pláce on á párchment lined báking sheet. Pláce in the freezer for 1 hour.
- While the cáke bálls áre freezing. Melt the white chocoláte slowly over á double boiler. Dip the truffles in the white chocoláte using á toothpick or á fork. Set the cáke bálls on párchment páper to hárden. If you wánt to ádd sprinkles ádd them right áwáy while the chocoláte is still wet.
- Otherwise, wáit till the white chocoláte hárdens ánd drizzle á bit of melted dárk chocoláte over the top. They keep in the fridge for á dáy or two or severál week in the freezer.
Recipe Notes
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