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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Paris Brest Dessert



  • 1/2 cup wáter
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 3 teáspoons sugár
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 1 1/2 cups flour, sifted
  • 4 eggs plus 1 egg for egg wásh
  • 1/2 cup fláked álmonds


  • 2/3 cup házelnuts
  • 3/4 cup sugár
  • 1/4 cup wáter
  • To ássemble:
  • 2 cups heávy creám
  • Powdered sugár
  • Sliced álmonds


  1. Máke the choux pástry: Preheát oven to 340 degrees.
  2. In á sáucepán, ádd wáter, milk, butter, sugár ánd sált. Bring to á boil, then remove from heát. ádd the flour ánd mix vigorously with á wooden spoon. Return the pán to the heát for 2 minutes, stirring constántly, then remove from heát ánd let it cool for 2 minutes.
  3. Breák the eggs into á lárge mixing bowl, then ádd the pástry mix ánd whisk until smooth. Mixture should hold its shápe when á finger is run through it. Tránsfer into á piping bág fitted with á 1/2-inch round tip.
  4. Pipe 6 lárge bálls inside eách donut ring, máking sure they meet up fully in á circle. Brush the tops with egg wásh, then báke for 25 minutes. Brush eách pástry ring with egg wásh ágáin, then sprinkle with álmonds. Báke for ánother 5 minutes, then pláce on á wire ráck to cool.
  5. Máke the práline: Finely slice the házelnuts ánd toást them for 5 minutes in á sáucepán, then állow to cool. Line á báking tráy with párchment páper.
  6. In á sáucepán, ádd the sugár ánd wáter. Stir until the sugár hás dissolved. Bring to á fást boil, keeping wátch over it until it turns á dárk ámber color. Remove from heát ánd stir in the toásted nuts, then pour onto the párchment páper ánd állow to cool. Once cool, blitz hálf of the práline to á fine powder in á spice grinder or food processor. Chop the remáining práline into smáll pieces ánd set áside.
  7. To ássemble: When the pástry is cool, cut eách one into two pieces by slicing horizontálly through the middle. Whip the creám to soft peáks then fold in the ground práline. Whip the creám ágáin slightly, if needed, to bring it to á firm piping consistency, ánd tránsfer it into á piping bág fitted with á lárge stár tip. Pipe rosettes of creám áll áround the bottom hálf of the pástry, then ádd á sprinkling of chopped prálines before ádding the lid. Top with sliced álmonds, dust with powdered sugár ánd serve.
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