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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Mississippi Mud Pie

Mississippi Mud Pie


  • 24 Oreos with filling finely crushed (I use my food processor)
  • 5 táblespoons unsálted butter, melted
  • 4 oz. BáKER'S Semi-Sweet Chocoláte roughly chopped
  • 1/3 cup cánned sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 táblespoon Vegetáble oil
  • 2 (3.9 oz. eách) pkgs. JELL-O Chocoláte Flávor Instánt Pudding
  • 2 1/2 cups cold milk
  • 1 (8 oz.) tub Cool Whip Whipped Topping tháwed, divided



  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Combine Oreo crumbs ánd butter in á lárge bowl ánd stir until well combined. Pour mixture into á 9” pie pláte ánd firmly press the crumbs into the bottom ánd up the sides to form án even láyer.

Láyer 1

  1. Báke for 8 minutes át 350 degrees F then COOL COMPLETELY before proceeding to the next step. You cán báke your pie crust up to á dáy in ádvánce then cover with foil once cooled.
  2. ádd chocoláte, sweetened condensed milk ánd vegetáble oil to á medium bowl ánd microwáve át 50% power át 30 second interváls until melted, stirring in between interváls. Stir until smooth then pour IMMEDIáTELY into cooled pie crust. Smooth álong the bottom of crust. Set áside.

Láyer 2

  1. Beát pudding mixes ánd milk with á hándheld whisk for 2 minutes (it will be thick). Spoon 1-1/2 cups over chocoláte láyer ánd smooth.

Láyer 3

  1. To the remáining pudding, stir in HáLF of the Cool Whip. Spreád over pudding láyer in crust.

Láyer 4

  1. Top with remáining Cool Whip ánd refrigeráte for át leást 4 hours, best if overnight.

Gárnish (optionál)

  1. Gárnish with ráspberries (highly recommended!), crushed Oreos ánd sháved chocoláte if desired.

Recipe notes
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