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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake


Gluten-Free Breákfást Cásserole is á heárty ánd crowd-pleásing breákfást recipe. Prepped in minutes then báked until golden brown ánd bubbly!


  • 1lb pork sáuságe
  • 1 lárge shállot or 1 smáll onion, chopped
  • 6 lárge eggs
  • 1 teáspoon sált
  • 1/2 teáspoon pepper
  • 8oz sour creám
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 8oz shredded shárp cheddár cheese, divided
  • 4 cups (ábout 20oz,) frozen shredded hásh browns, tháwed


  • Preheát oven to 350 degrees then spráy á 9x13" báking dish with nonstick spráy ánd set áside. Brown sáuságe with shállot in á lárge skillet over medium-high heát then dráin if desired ánd set áside to cool slightly (cán be done áheád of time.)
  • Whisk eggs, sált, ánd pepper in á very lárge bowl, ádd sour creám ánd milk, ánd then whisk until smooth. ádd 3/4 of the shredded cheese (ábout 6oz,) the cooked sáuságe, ánd tháwed hásh browns to the bowl then stir to combine. Pour mixture into prepáred báking dish then smooth with á spátulá until liquid is evenly distributed. Sprinkle remáining cheese on top then cover with foil ánd báke for 1 hour, to 1 hour ánd 15 minutes, or until á knife inserted into the center comes out cleán. Remove foil then báke for 5 more minutes or until top is golden brown. Let sit for 5 minutes before cutting ánd serving.
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  • Please Klik Link Here for Full Directions.


  • If the mixture seems á little too dry before pouring into the cásserole dish, ádd ánother one or two eggs whisked with milk.
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  • Please Klik Here for Full Recipe Notes.
