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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake


Appetizers áre one of my fávorite things to máke, they áre the introduction to the párty, so you máy wánt to álso try these buffálo chicken meátbálls, cheesy ránch buffálo chicken dip, or stuffed jálápeno poppers to spice things up át your next párty.


When it comes to áppetizers thát speák for themselves these buffálo cáuliflower bites need know introduction.  They áre bold ánd beáutiful ánd one bite hás you hooked.

They máke the perfect gáme dáy áppetizer or párty snáck ánd served álong side á creámy buffálo ránch dip ánd sliced ávocádos the táste is spectáculár.

áppetizers áre one of my fávorite foods to máke ánd serve.  They cán be pláyful ánd often served right out of the pán you cooked them in, which in my pláybook equáls simplicity ánd less dishes.


Preheát oven  to 425 degrees ánd line á sheet pán with párchment páper spráyed with non-cook cooking spráy ánd set áside. In á lárge bowl combine flour, gárlic sált, pepper, onion powder ánd wáter.  Mix ánd pour in 3 cups of cáuliflower florets.

Spreád the cáuliflower onto the prepáred báking sheet ánd báke for 20 minutes.  Meánwhile máke the buffálo sáuce.  Melt butter in á microwáve sáfe bowl ánd ádd buffálo wing sáuce ánd mix.  Once cáuliflower is done táke it out of the oven ánd pour into á lárge bowl.  Pour the buffálo sáuce on top, toss to coát, pour báck onto sheet pán ánd BROIL for 20 more minutes.

Brush on more wing sáuce if desired ánd gárnish with blue cheese crumbles, chopped pársley, sliced ávocádo, ánd buffálo ránch dipping sáuce.


  • 3 cups cáuliflower florets
  • ½ cup flour
  • ½ cup wáter
  • 1 tsp gárlic sált
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • ½ tsp onion powder
  • ½ cup blue cheese crumbles
  • Chopped pársley
  • 1 ávocádo sliced


  • ¼ cup melted butter
  • ½ cup Fránks wing sáuce


  • 1 pácket spicy ránch seásoning pácket
  • 16 oz sour creám


  1. Preheát oven to 425 degrees ánd line á sheet pán with párchment páper spráyed with non-cook cooking spráy ánd set áside. In á lárge bowl combine flour, gárlic sált, pepper, onion powder ánd wáter. Mix ánd pour in 3 cups of cáuliflower florets.
  2. Spreád the cáuliflower onto the prepáred báking sheet ánd báke for 20 minutes. Meánwhile máke the buffálo sáuce. Melt butter in á microwáve sáfe bowl ánd ádd buffálo wing sáuce ánd mix. Once cáuliflower is done táke it out of the oven ánd pour into á lárge bowl. Pour the buffálo sáuce on top, toss to coát, pour báck onto sheet pán ánd BROIL for 20 more minutes.
  3. Brush on more wing sáuce if desired ánd gárnish with blue cheese crumbles, chopped pársley, sliced ávocádo, ánd buffálo ránch dipping sáuce.
  4. Full Instruction Please Klik Link Here.
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