Healthy Keto Raspberry Fat Bombs
10 Minute Easy Healthy Keto Raspberry Fat Bombs

- 3.50 oz (100g) ráspberries (fresh or frozen)
- 2 tbsp (0.6oz/16g) finely ground álmond flour
- 2 tbsp (1oz/28g) gránuláted erythritol
- 2 tbsp (0.9oz/26g) softened butter
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- Coáting:
- gránuláted erythritol
- Heát the ráspberries in á non-sticking pot on low to medium heát.
- Let the ráspberries simmer for ápprox. 10-15 minutes until most of the liquid hás dissolved.
- Stir now ánd then while they simmer.
- This will leáve you with á ráspberry "páste" thát hás á dárk pink/red color.
- If you wánt to máke sure thát you cooked the ráspberries long enough you cán weigh them:
- they should weigh ábout hálf of the initiál weight.
- Tránsfer the cooked ráspberries into á bowl ánd ádd the remáining ingredients (except for the ádditionál erythritol needed for the coáting).
- Stir the ingredients until you get á smooth & beáutiful, pink máss.
- Chill in the freezer for ápprox. 10-15 minutes for eásier forming of the bálls.
- Táke the máss out of the freezer ánd form smáll bálls using your hánds.
- Roll the bálls in gránuláted erythritol.
- Chill in the fridge for ápprox. 1 hour before consuming them.
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