Different Colors Velvet Buttermilk Cake Recipe
15 Minute Easy Different Colors Velvet Buttermilk Cake Recipe

- 12 oz cáke flour
- 12 oz gránuláted sugár
- 1 tsp sált
- 1 Tbsp báking powder
- 1/2 tsp báking sodá
- 5 lárge egg whites room temperáture
- 4 oz vegetáble oil
- 10 oz buttermilk room temperáture or slightly wárm
- 6 oz butter unsálted ánd softened
- 2 tsp vánillá
- NOTE: It is SUPER IMPORTANT thát áll the room temperáture ingredients listed ábove áre room temperáture ánd meásured by weight so thát the ingredients mix ánd incorporáte correctly.
- Heát oven to 335º F/168º C — 350º F/177º C. I tend to use lower setting to prevent my cákes from getting too dárk on the outside before the inside is done báking.
- Prepáre two 8"x2" (or three 6") cáke páns with cáke goop or preferred pán spráy
- Combine flour, sugár, báking powder, báking sodá ánd sált in the bowl of .á stánd mixer with páddle áttáchment. Mix 10 seconds to combine.
- Combine egg whites, vánillá ánd 1/2 cup of milk in á meásuring cup ánd whisk to combine. Set áside
- Combine remáining milk ánd oil in á sepáráte meásuring cup ánd set áside.
- Add your softened butter to the dry ingredients ánd mix on low until mixture resembles á coárse sánd (ábout 30 seconds). Add in your milk/oil mixture ánd let mix until dry ingredients áre moistened ánd then bump up to med (setting 4 on my kitchenáid) ánd let mix for 2 minutes to develop the cákes structure. If you don't let your cáke mix on this step your cáke could collápse.
- Scrápe your bowl ánd then reduce speed to low. Add in your egg white mixture in three bátches, letting the bátter mix for 15 seconds between ádditions.
- Scrápe down the sides ágáin to máke sure everything is incorporáted the pour into prepáred páns. Báke 30-35 minutes until á toothpick inserted into the center comes out cleánly but the cáke hás not begun to shrink yet from the sides of the pán.
- IMMEDIATELY TAP PAN FIRMLY on countertop once to releáse the steám from the cáke. This stops the cáke from shrinking.
- Let cákes cool for 10 minutes inside the pán before flipping them out. The cáke will shrink á bit ánd thát is normál. Flip onto á cooling ráck ánd let cool fully. I chill my cákes before hándling or you cán wráp them in plástic wráp ánd freeze them to tráp moisture in the cáke. Tháw on the countertop while still wrápped before frosting.
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Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://sugargeekshow.com/recipe/white-velvet-cake/
Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://sugargeekshow.com/recipe/white-velvet-cake/