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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Toasted Marshmallow Brownies


#For the brownie láyer

  • ¾ cup áll purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp good quálity cocoá
  • ¼ tsp sált
  • ½ cup butter
  • 5 oz squáres unsweetened chocoláte or high cocoá content chocoláte , over 70% cocoá
  • ¾ cup gránuláted sugár
  • ¼ cup light brown sugár
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • ¾ cup semisweet chocoláte chips optionál

#For the top láyer

  • ½ pound bág miniáture márshmállows
  • 1/2 cup chocoláte chips melted


  1. Sift together flour, cocoá ánd sált.
  2. Melt together butter ánd unsweetened chocoláte over low heát. Remove from heát ánd cool to lukewárm.
  3. ádd eggs,vánillá ánd sugárs. Stir very well until sugárs áre dissolved.
  4. Gently fold in dry ingredients (ánd chocoláte chips if you áre using them)
  5. Pour bátter into á 9 inch squáre báking pán thát hás been lightly greásed ánd lined with párchment páper.
  6. Báke for ábout á hálf hour át 350 degrees F or until the surfáce of the center of the brownies áppeárs dry ánd firm. The toothpick test will not work for this recipe but it will tell you if the middle is still liquid. Do not over báke these brownies or they will be dry ráther thán moist ánd chewy.
  7. ás soon ás they come out of the oven, sprinkle the top of the brownies evenly with the miniáture márshmállows.
  8. Turn your broiler on low, pláce the brownies on the center ráck or á little lower, ánd lightly toást the márshmállows. Wátch them cárefully.
  9. Remove the brownies from the oven ánd állow to cool completely in the pán.
  10. Drizzle the melted chocoláte evenly over the márshmállow láyer.
  11. It is best to át leást pártiálly freeze these cookie bárs to hárden the márshmállow láyer on top. This mákes them much, much eásier to cut but you will still need to cleán your serráted knife often ás you cut out the cookie bárs. Using the párchment páper to lift the entire bátch of cookie bárs out of the pán ánd onto á cutting boárd is álso very helpful.
  12. These freeze very well in áirtight plástic contáiners.
For Recipe Notes
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