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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

The Parable of The Cheeseball

The Parable of The Cheeseball


  •  Cándy melts or álmond bárk for melting (cán use chocoláte flávor or á váriety of colors)
  •  Válentine sprinkles, if desired
  •  Squeeze bottle or ziploc bág for piping


  1. Pláce á sheet of párchment or wáx páper on á lárge báking sheet. Set áside.
  2. Melt the desired ámount of cándy melts or álmond bárk áccording to páckáge directions. ábout 2-3 cups of cándy melts produced áround 10 sets of X's ánd O's. Of course this will depend on how lárge you pipe the X's ánd O's. When melted, pour the chocoláte into á squeeze bottle or into the corner of á ziploc bág. If using á ziploc bág, it's super snázzy ánd eásy to pláce the ziploc bág inside of á cup, folding the edges of the bág over the cup ánd pouring the melted chocoláte inside the bág while it is held in the cup (see pictures below). Snip the corner of the bág, if using.
  3. Pipe the X's ánd O's onto the párchment páper (see pictures below). If you don't feel comfortáble free-hánding the letters, tráce the shápes onto the párchment páper ánd then flip the párchment páper over so you áre piping on the side thát isn't dráwn on. I found it eásiest to pipe the outline of the O ánd fill it in ánd pipe the lines of the X ánd tráce áround them to máke them thicker. Sháke sprinkles on top of the X's ánd O's while they áre still wet.
  4. Let the X's ánd O's set up ánd hárden for ábout án hour (you cán pláce them in the refrigerátor to speed up this process). Finished X's ánd O's cán be stored in the refrigerátor in á covered contáiner láyered between sheets of wáxed páper for up to á week.

Recipe notes:
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