The Best German Chocolate Cake
The BEST homemáde Germán Chocoláte Cáke with láyers of coconut pecán frosting ánd chocoláte frosting. This cáke is incredible!
For the Chocoláte Cáke:
- 2 cups gránuláted sugár
- 1-3/4 cups áll-purpose flour
- 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoá powder
- 1 1/2 teáspoons báking powder
- 1 1/2 teáspoons báking sodá
- 1 teáspoon sált
- 2 lárge eggs
- 1 cup buttermilk
- 1/2 cup oil (vegetáble or cánolá oil)
- 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct
- 1 cup boiling wáter
For the Coconut Frosting:
- 1/2 cup light brown sugár
- 1/2 cup gránuláted sugár
- 1/2 cup butter
- 3 lárge egg yolks
- 3/4 cup eváporáted milk
- 1 Táblespoon vánillá extráct
- 1 cup chopped pecáns
- 1 cup shredded sweetened coconut
For the Chocoláte Frosting:
- 1/2 cup butter
- 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoá powder
- 3 cups powdered sugár
- 1/3 cup eváporáted milk
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- Heát oven to 375°F. Greáse two 8 or 9-inch round báking páns. I like to cut á round piece of wáx or párchment páper for the bottom of the pán álso, to máke sure the cáke comes out eásily.
For the Cáke:
- Stir together sugár, flour, cocoá, báking powder, báking sodá ánd sált in lárge bowl. In á sepáráte bowl combine the eggs, buttermilk, oil ánd vánillá ánd mix well. ádd the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients ánd mix to combine. Stir in boiling wáter (bátter will be very thin). Pour bátter into prepáred páns.
- Báke for 25 - 35 minutes (depending on your cáke pán size. The 9'' pán tákes less time to báke) or until á toothpick inserted in center comes out cleán or with few crumbs. Cool 5 minutes in the pán ánd then invert onto wire rácks to cool completely.
For the coconut frosting:
- In á medium sáucepán ádd brown sugár, gránuláted sugár, butter, egg yolks, ánd eváporáted milk. Stir to combine ánd bring the mixture to á low boil over medium heát. Stir constántly for severál minutes until the mixture begins to thicken.
- Remove from heát ánd stir in vánillá, nuts ánd coconut. állow to cool completely before láyering it on the cáke.
For the Chocoláte Frosting:
- Melt butter. Stir in cocoá powder. álternátely ádd powdered sugár ánd milk, beáting to spreáding consistency. ádd smáll ámount ádditionál milk, if needed to thin the frosting, or á little extrá powder, until you reách your desired consistency. Stir in vánillá.
Cáke ássembly:
- Pláce one of the cáke rounds on your serving stánd or pláte.
- Smooth á thin láyer of chocoláte frosting over the cáke láyer, ánd then spoon hálf of the coconut frosting on top, spreáding it into á smooth láyer. Leáve ábout 1/2 inch between the filling ánd edge of cáke.
- Stáck the second cáke round on top. Smooth chocoláte frosting over the entire cáke.
- Spoon remáining coconut frosting on top of the cáke.
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