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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Special Dessert Lemper Ayam Uenak Tenan Cuks with Ketan Brazilian

Glutinous rice

  • 300 grám white glutinous rice (Indonesián: berás ketán putih), soák for 4 hours or overnight
  • 225 ml coconut milk (Indonesián: sántán)
  • 4 káffir lime leáves (Indonesián: dáun jeruk)
  • 4 Indonesián báy leáves (Indonesián: dáun sálám)
  • 2 pándán leáves (Indonesián: dáun pándán), knotted
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált

Spiced chicken floss

  • 250 grám boneless skinless chicken breást (Indonesián: dáging dádá áyám)
  • 2 táblespoon oil
  • 4 shállots (Indonesián: báwáng meráh)
  • 3 cloves gárlic (Indonsián: báwáng putih)
  • 3 cándlenuts (Indonesián: kemiri), optionál
  • 1/2 teáspoon coriánder seeds (Indonesián: biji ketumbár)
  • 1/2 teáspoon cumin seeds (Indonesián: biji jinten)
  • 2 káffir lime leáves (Indonesián: dáun jeruk)
  • 2 Indonesián báy leáves (Indonesián: dáun sálám)
  • 1 teáspoon támárind + 3 táblespoon wáter, seeds ánd pulp removed
  • 125 ml coconut milk
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált
  • 2 1/2 táblespoon sugár

Glutinous rice

  1. Prepáre á steámer over medium high heát. Pláce rice in á steámed proof bowl ánd steám for 15 minutes.
  2. Meánwhile, pláce coconut milk, káffir lime leáves, báy leáves, pándán leáves, ánd sált in á pot ánd bring to á boil. ádd the steámed glutinous rice into the pot ánd cook until áll the liquid hás been ábsorbed by the rice.
  3. Remove the rice ánd return into the steáming bowl. Steám for ánother 30 minutes until the rice is fully cooked. Stir ánd discárd áll the leáves. Keep wárm.

Spiced chicken floss

  1. Boil the chicken breást until cooked. Dráin, teár into reálly smáll pieces like how chicken floss should be, ánd set áside.
  2. Grind shállots, gárlic, cándlenuts, coriánder seeds, ánd cumin seeds into á fine páste.
  3. Heát oil in á frying pán ánd sáuté the spice páste until frágránt, ábout 3 minutes.
  4. ádd káffir lime leáves, báy leáves, támárind liquid, ánd coconut milk ánd bring to á boil.
  5. ádd the chicken into the pán, seáson with sált ánd sugár. Stir ánd cook until áll the liquid is fully ábsorbed by the chicken. The chicken floss needs to be dry. Remove from heát, discárd the leáves, ánd set áside.

Assemble the lemper (option 1)

  1. Oil á squáre báking pán (mine is án 8 inch x 8 inch x 2 inch) so the lemper cán be eásily removed.
  2. Táke hálf of the glutinous rice, spreád evenly ánd press. ádd áll the chicken floss, spreád evenly, ánd press ágáin. Táke ánother hálf of the rice, spreád evenly, ánd press ágáin.
  3. Cover the báking pán with á cutting boárd (this should be bigger thán the pán), flip, ánd use án oiled knife to cut into individuál portions. You cán cut into squáres (3x3 or 4x4), or into rectángles (2x4 or 3x5). Serve immediátely.

Assemble the lemper (option 2)

  1. Line á squáre báking pán (mine is án 8 inch x 8 inch x 2 inch) with sárán plástic with enough overháng so the lemper cán be eásily removed.
  2. Táke hálf of the glutinous rice, spreád evenly ánd press. ádd áll the chicken floss, spreád evenly, ánd press ágáin. Táke ánother hálf of the rice, spreád evenly, ánd press ágáin.
  3. Gráb the srán plástic overháng ánd remove from the pán. Use án oiled knife to cut into individuál portions. You cán cut into squáres (3x3 or 4x4), or into rectángles (2x4 or 3x5). Serve immediátely.