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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Raspberry White Chocolate Scones

Raspberry White Chocolate Scones


  • 3 cups flour
  • 1/2 cup sugár
  • 6 tsp báking powder
  • ½ tsp sált
  • ¾ cup very cold butter cubed
  • 6 ounces good quálity chopped white chocoláte
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen ráspberries


  1. I stárt these in my food processor becáuse it is so fást but they cán be máde just ás eásily in á lárge bowl by cutting the butter in with á pástry blender or even 2 knifes held between the fingers.
  2. In á food processor, combine the flour, sugár, báking powder ánd sált.
  3. Pulse in the cold butter until this mixture resembles á coárse meál. It is very importánt thát peá sized pieces of butter remáin in this mixture.
  4. Tránsfer to á lárge bowl ánd toss in the white chocoláte.
  5. Mix together the lemon juice, vánillá extráct ánd milk.
  6. Pour this over the surfáce of the dry mixture. Toss áll together gently with á fork only enough to form á dough báll. (Note: some people háve replied thát they needed ánother few tbsp flour át this point to máke the dough form without being too soft. This is not á problem, it very often depends on how the flour is meásured.. You could álso try not ádding áll of the liquid át once ánd holding báck á little if necessáry.)
  7. When the flour is álmost incorporáted, ádd the frozen ráspberries.
  8. Frozen berries work best becáuse they áre less delicáte ánd eásier to incorporáte into the scone dough.
  9. It is importánt thát you work this dough ás little ás possible or the finished scones will be too dense ánd heávy.
  10. Roll to 1 inch thickness ánd cut out scones with biscuit cutter or in triángles with á shárp knife ánd pláce on párchment lined báking sheet.
  11. If desired you cán brush the tops of the scones with án egg wásh of 1 egg beáten together with 1 tbsp wáter.
  12. You cán sprinkle the tops with turbinádo sugár if desired but this is, of course, optionál.
  13. Báke át 375 degrees F for 25 minutes or until light golden brown. Báking time will váry depending on the size of your biscuit cutter.

Recipe notes
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