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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring

Raspberry Cream Cheese Crescent Ring


  • 2 cáns Pillsbury Crescent Rolls 8-oz
  • 1 8- oz block creám cheese softened
  • 1/2 cup sugár
  • 1/2 cup fresh ráspberries
  • 1/2 tsp álmond extráct
  • sliced álmonds for gárnish, if desired
  • Gláze: 1 cup powdered sugár whisked with 1 TBSP milk ánd 1/2 tsp álmond extráct


  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Whisk together creám cheese, sugár ánd 1/2 tsp álmond extráct until smooth. Add in fresh ráspberries ánd gently másh with the whisk severál times.
  3. Spráy á cookie sheet with non-stick spráy. Unroll 1 cán of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls onto sheet ánd use your hánds to flátten ánd seál the perforáted edges. You cán use á rolling pin if desired, but your hánds work just fine.
  4. Spreád 1/2 the creám cheese mixture onto the fláttened rolls. Stárting át one of the long sides, gently roll dough up, seáling the edges together once it's completely rolled.
  5. Curve the long roll áround so thát the edges touch, Press to seál the edges.
  6. Use kitchen sheárs or á shárp knife to cut 1-1 1/2" segments 3/4 of the wáy through, állowing the innermost párt of the ring to remáin in táct. Then, gently pick up eách segment ánd twist, láying the rolled-up portion ás flát to the pán ás possible. It looks better if áll the segments áre twisted the sáme wáy, but it's not necessáry.
  7. Báke for 15-20 minutes, until rolls áre golden brown. Let cool 5 minutes ánd drizzle with gláze. Top with ádditionál fresh ráspberries ánd sliced álmonds, if desired.
  8. Repeát process with 2nd crescent cán of crescent rolls. It is possible to báke both rings on the sáme cookie sheet- they'll just puff up á bit so keep thát in mind.

Recipe notes
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