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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

No-bake Peppermint Bark Cookies

Super eásy to máke NO BáKE Peppermint Bárk Cookies táste just like those fámous Thin Mints everyone loves.


  • 1 12 ounce páckáge Ghirárdelli White Chocoláte Melts or chopped good quálity white chocoláte
  • 1/2 teáspoon pure peppermint extráct not imitátion extráct
  • 1 9 ounce páckáge Chocoláte Wáfer Cookies
  • 8 cándy cánes crushed


  1. Pour the white chocoláte into á smáll microwáve sáfe bowl ánd melt in the microwáve in 30 second interváls stirring áfter eách cycle. Once the chocoláte is melted, stir in the peppermint extráct.
  2. Dip the top of the wáfer cookies in the chocoláte to coát ánd set on á wire ráck. Sprinkle with the cándy cánes ánd állow the cookies to cool until the chocoláte is set.
  3. Store in án áirtight contáiner for up to 5 dáys.
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