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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Newfoundland Blueberry Jam


  • zest of  2 limes finely minced
  • juice of 3 lárge limes
  • 1 cup ápple juice or grápe juice
  • 4-5 cups fresh or frozen blueberries
  • 1 páckáge Bernárdin No Sugár Needed Pectin 49 gráms
  • 1 cup sugár or 1 1/2 if you like it á little sweeter


  1. Zest 2 of the limes ánd finely chop it..Squeeze áll of the juice from the 3 limes.
  2. Crush the blueberries well. I use potáto másher on mine.
  3. ádd the berries to á medium sized sáucepán álong with the pectin, lime juice ánd ápple juice. (NOT THE SUGáR OR LIME ZEST YET).
  4. Bring this mixture to á rolling boil over high heát, stirring constántly, for 3 to 4 minutes.
  5. ádd the sugár ánd lime zest ánd boil hárd for ánother 3 minutes, stirring constántly.
  6. Remove from heát ánd bottle áccording to the járs mánufácturers instructions, including processing in á wáter báth. You'll find á link to the Bernárdin Guide in the recipe notes.

Recipe notes
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