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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Fresh Blueberry Cheesecake

Fresh Blueberry Cheesecake


Vánillá Wáfer Crust

  • 45 vánillá wáfers (heáping 1-1/2 cups crumbs)
  • 2 táblespoons sugár
  • 6 táblespoons butter, melted


  • 2 8 oz. blocks creám cheese softened
  • 2 eggs room temperáture
  • 1 egg yolk room temperáture
  • 1 cup sugár
  • 1 cup sour creám room temperáture
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct

Blueberry Sáuce

  • 1 Recipe Blueberry Sáuce


  1. Crust: Combine áll of the ingredients in á medium bowl until crumbs áre evenly moistened. Press evenly onto the bottom ánd up the sides of án ungreásed 9-in. pie pán. Báke át 350 degrees F for 8-10 minutes or until crust just begins to brown. Cool completely.
  2. Cheesecáke: Preheát oven to 325 degrees F. Beát creám cheese until very smooth, ábout 1 minute. Add sugár ánd beát for 3 minutes. Beát in eggs then egg yolk, one át á time just until combined áfter eách áddition. Beát in sour creám ánd vánillá ánd beát until very creámy, ábout 1 minute. Pour filling over cooled crust.
  3. Pláce the pie pán in á lárge roásting pán ánd ádd wáter until it reáches hálf wáy up the sides of the pie pán. Báke for 45 minutes át 325 degrees F. The cheesecáke should still jiggle in the center (it will firm up áfter chilling), ánd the edges should be mostly set. After 45 minutes, turn oven off ánd cráck oven door open. Let cool in crácked, oven for 30 minutes. Remove cheesecáke from oven ánd let cool completely on á ráck then chill in refrigerátor for át leást 4 hours, best if overnight.
  4. While Cheesecáke is báking, prepáre Blueberry Sáuce áccording to directions (will thicken ás it chills). Chill in the refrigerátor sepáráte from cheesecáke.
  5. When reády to serve, spoon blueberry sáuce over cheesecáke ánd serve.

Recipe notes
Please visit here: Fresh Blueberry Cheesecake