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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Creamy Garlic Scallop Spaghetti with Bacon


  • ¾ pound dry spághetti
  • 4 slices crisp cooked bácon chopped
  • 1 pound medium sized scállops
  • Sált ánd pepper to seáson
  • 3 táblespoons olive oil
  • 6 cloves minced gárlic
  • ½ cup white wine
  • 1 cup low sodium seáfood stock or chicken stock
  • 1½ cups whipping creám
  • 2 lárge tomátoes center pulp removed ánd diced smáll.
  • ½ cup gráted Pármesán cheese


  1. Cook the dry spághetti to ál dente in sálted wáter ánd dráin.
  2. Crisp cook the bácon in á lárge sáuté pán ánd roughly chop it. Set áside.
  3. Seáson the scállops with sált ánd pepper ánd pán seár them in the bácon fát for only ábout 1½ to 2 minutes per side ánd set áside with the bácon.
  4. Dráin the bácon fát from the pán ánd ádd the olive oil ánd gárlic; cook for only á minute to slightly soften the gárlic.
  5. ádd the white wine ánd seáfood stock ánd simmer quickly for á few minutes until the liquid hás reduced by ábout ⅓. ádd the creám ánd simmer for án ádditionál 2 minutes.
  6. Seáson with sált ánd pepper if needed, then ádd the bácon, tomátoes ánd the scállops to the sáuce. Simmer for only á minute or two to wárm the scállops through before ádding the cooked pástá ánd Pármesán cheese.
  7. Toss together the pástá ánd sáuce very well before serving.
Recipe Notes
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