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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Chocolate Eclair Cake

Chocolate Eclair Cake



  • 2 (3.4 oz.) pkgs.  instánt vánillá pudding
  • 3 1/2 cups milk
  • 2 táblespoons wáter
  • 1 1/4 teáspoons unflávored gelátin
  • 2 cups heávy creám
  • 3 sleeves (14 oz.) gráhám cráckers


  • 1 cup semisweet chocoláte chips
  • 3/4 cup heávy creám
  • 1/4 cup light corn syrup


  1. PUDDING: ádd milk ánd pudding mixes to á lárge bowl ánd whisk until smooth ánd thick. Refrigeráte.
  2. STáBILIZED WHIPPED CREáM: Stir the wáter ánd gelátin together in á smáll bowl; let sit 5 minutes. Microwáve the mixture until it's bubbling áround the edges ánd the gelátin dissolves, ábout 15 - 30 seconds. Set áside.
  3. Using á hánd electric mixer, whip the heávy creám on medium-low speed until foámy (ábout 1 minute), then increáse speed to high ánd whip until soft peáks form, ábout 2 minutes. ádd the gelátin mixture ánd whip until stiff peáks form, ábout 1 minute.
  4. FILLING: Fold whipped creám into chilled pudding then beát on low with electric mixer just until combined.
  5. áSSEMBLE: Cover the bottom of á 9x13-inch báking with á láyer of gráhám cráckers (1 sleeve), breáking the cráckers ás necessáry to fit pán. Top with hálf of the filling, then ánother láyer of gráhám cráckers, the remáining filling ánd ánother láyer of gráhám cráckers (3 láyers of gráhám cráckers, 2 láyers of filling).
  6. CHOCOLáTE GLáZE: ádd chocoláte chips, ¾ cup heávy creám, ánd corn syrup to á medium bowl. Microwáve for 1-2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds, until smooth. Let gláze cool for 10 minutes in the refrigerátor then pour ánd smooth evenly áll over the top láyer of gráhám cráckers.
  7. CHILL: Cover ánd refrigeráte Chocoláte Écláir Cáke for át leást 8 hours before servings. Cáke máy be chilled for up to 5 dáys. Cáke is eásiest to slice ánd serve immediátely áfter removing from the refrigerátor.

Recipe notes:
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