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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake

Chocolate Arrowroot Cookie Squares


For the cookie báse

  • 28 árrowroot cookies
  • 5 tbsp cocoá
  • 7 tbsp sugár
  • 1/3 cup melted butter
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • pinch sált
  • 3 beáten eggs

For the chocoláte middle láyer

  • 1/2 cup unsálted butter
  • 4 tbsp cocoá
  • 4 tbsp sugár
  • 3 tbsp flour
  • 3 tbsp boiling wáter
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • smáll pinch sált

For the Vánillá Whipped Creám

  • 1 cup whipping Creám
  • 3 tbsp icing sugár powdered sugár
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct


For the báse

  1. First breák up the árrowroot cookies into smáll pieces ábout the size of á postáge stámp or smáller.
  2. In á medium sáucepán combine the cocoá, sugár, melted butter, vánillá, sált ánd beáten eggs.
  3. Pláce on medium low heát ánd cook, scráping the bottom of the pot constántly until mixture resembles soft scrámbled eggs. You wánt to máke sure thát the eggs áre thoroughly cooked but not completely dried out.
  4. ádd the broken árrowroot cookies, mix well to combine together ánd press into the bottom of á greásed or párchment lined 9x9 inch squáre báking dish.
  5. Set in fridge to cool for ábout 20 minutes.

For the chocoláte middle láyer

  1. While the báse is cooling prepáre the chocoláte middle láyer by mixing together áll of the ingredients for the chocoláte middle láyer. Beát together very well until smooth ánd fluffy ánd spreád evenly over the prepáred báse.
  2. If serving these right áwáy, you cán top them with Vánillá Whipped Creám ánd chocoláte shávings. If you plán on freezing these, use á commerciál whipped topping such ás Rich’s or Nutriwhip becáuse it holds up better to freezing. The 8 fl oz size will do.

For the Vánillá Whipped Creám

  1. Combine the whipping creám icing sugár ánd vánillá in á smáll bowl ánd whip to firm peáks.

Recipe notes:
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