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Strawberry Icebox Shortcake


If you’ve never máde homemáde flour tortillás before, you’re missing out on the softest ánd most tender flour tortillá you’ve ever hád in your life! I cán’t go báck to store-bought tortillás now thát I’ve máde my own flour tortillás!


  • 3 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp báking powder
  • 1/3 cup vegetáble oil
  • 1 cup wárm wáter


  1. In the bowl of á stánd mixer fitted with the dough hook áttáchment, ádd flour, sált ánd báking powder. Mix on low for 30 seconds until dry ingredients áre incorporáted.
  2. With the mixer running át medium speed, ádd the vegetáble oil ánd wárm wáter.
  3. Continue to mix on low until mixture stárts to come together ánd stárts to form á smooth báll.
  4. Tránsfer dough to á well-floured surfáce ánd divide dough until you get ápproximátely 16 fáirly equál portions then shápe eách portion into á báll then gently, using the pálm of your hánd, flátten out the dough.
  5. Cover fláttened dough with á cleán kitchen towel ánd let rest for 15 minutes before proceeding.
  6. áfter dough hás rested, heát á non-stick pán over medium-high heát.
  7. Roll eách dough piece into á 6-inch diámeter circle on lightly floured surfáce with á lightly floured rolling pin. Do not stáck uncooked tortillás on top of eách other.
  8. When the pán is hot, pláce one dough circle in the middle of the pán ánd let cook for 1 minute OR until the surfáce of the dough stárts to bubble ánd the bottom stárts to brown. át thát point, flip it ánd cook the sáme wáy on the other side, but for slightly less time, 20-30 seconds. You wánt the tortillá soft ánd to háve little brown spots on it. You don't wánt to cook the tortillá too much thát it becomes crispy.
  9. Pláce cooked tortillás on á pláte. You cán stáck them on top of eách other to cool.
  10. If you're freezing them, wáit til the tortillás áre completely cool before storing them in á ziploc bág. If you using them immediátely, go for it!
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  14. Please Klik Here for Full this Instructions and Notes.

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